书名 title | 定价price (RM) |
性別無敵好青春1/王振圍編 | 37.50 |
性別無敵好青春2/王振圍編 | 31.25 |
希望之翼/雪蘿.柯尼著 | 37.50 |
東京媽媽町之夢/森楦著 | 31.25 |
裙子底下的秘密/田口藍迪著 | 31.25 |
來自大海的禮物/林白夫人著 | 30.00 |
我想學會生活/蔡穎卿著 | 27.50 |
Emily的貓/Emily著 | 32.50 |
Monsoon History/Shirley Geok-lin Lim | 40.75 |
The Second Sex/Simone de Beauvoir | 61.00 |
The Headman was a Woman: The Gender Egalitarian Batek of Malaysia/Kirk M. Endicott & Karen L. Endicott | 30.00 |
金陵十三钗/严歌苓著 | 29.80 |
2012年2月新到書目 New Arrival Titles, February 2012
三合一卡 3 in 1 card
1+1+1= 1?我們沒有三合一即溶咖啡,但是有三合一卡。即日起至12月1 2日,來月樹、咖啡家、衣咖館吃吃喝喝,每次滿十元即可集一點, 消費六次集六點可得15%餐飲折扣。集滿三家店的點數,還有禮物 拿。喂,別等到世界末日啦。
1+1+1= 1? No, no, no, that's not 3 in 1 instant coffee. That's 3 in 1 card! From 12th February to 12th December, you will get a stamp each time you spend RM 10 or above on food and beverage at Moontree, Coffee Famille and Ika Boutique Cafe. Enjoy 15% discount on the 6th bill. We will send you a gift when you have collected all the stamps from 3 cafes. Hey, don't wait till doomsday.
月树影院16《当海南遇上潮州》 Moontree Theatre 16: When Hainan Meets Teochew
月树影院16 Moontree Theatre 16
当海南遇上潮州 When Hainan Meets Teochew
活动时间 Date & Time
2012年2月12日(星期日) 12 February 2012 (Sunday)
6:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm
主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan Panggung, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.
导读人 Reviewer
Leong Usen is working as a lecturer in Department of Drama and Visual at the New Era College. She is studying master degree in Department of Motion Picture, National Taiwan University of Arts.
影片简介 About The Movie
片名 Title:当海南遇上潮州 When Hainan Meets Teochew
导演 Director:韩耀光 Han Yew Kwang
主演 Starring:李昭敏、陈鸿才 Lee Chau Min, Tan Hong Chye
制片地区 Area:新加坡 Singapore
语言 Language:华语、英语 Mandarin & English
上映年份 Year of Release:2010
Synopsis: A romantic comedy usually involves a handsome man and a pretty lady. But what happens when it's between a 'manly' woman, and a 'womanly' man? When a bra falls on Ms. Teochew, she immediately wins the lottery. Meanwhile, Hainan-boy, whom the bra belongs to begins an earnest search for her lost bra. Her trails lead her to the home of Ms. Teochew, where a struggle leads to Ms. Teochew being booted out of her rented home. Feeling guilty, Hainan-boy invites Ms. Teochew to move in with her. Will this be the start of a beautiful romance?
入场免费。欢迎消费。 Free admission. Welcome to spend money. :p