月树影院35《海岸线》 Moontree Theatre 35: The Coast Guard
月树影院35 Moontree Theatre 35
海岸线 The Coast Guard
活动时间 Date & Time
2013年1月27日(星期日) 27th January 2013 (Sunday)
6:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm
主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan
Panggung, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.
导读人 Reviewer
Por Heong Hong, who holds a master degree from Institute of Health and
Welfare Policy, now is concentrating in social sciences. She has composed
several articles regarding gender in Malaysian society.
电影简介 About The Movie
片名 Title:海岸线 The Coast Guard
导演 Director:金基德 Kim Ki-duk
主演 Starring:张东健、朴智娥 Jang Dong-gun, Park Ji-ah
制片地区 Region:韩国 South Korea
语言 Language:韩语 Korean
上映年份 Year of Release:2002
Synopsis: Kang Sang-byeong is a member of the Marine Corps who is eager to
shoot a spy. One evening he shoots and kills a civilian who has strayed into a
forbidden zone to have sex with his girlfriend. Kang and the girlfriend of the
dead civilian both have mental breakdowns…
入场免费。欢迎消费。 Free admission. Welcome to spend money. :p
月樹2012年書籍銷售榜 Moontree Best-Selling Books of 2012
1. 不是寫給你的(然而你不認為)/劉藝婉著
2. 創作,怎麼搞的/茱莉亞.卡麥隆著
3. The Headman was a Woman: The Gender Egalitarian Batek of Malaysia / Kirk M. Endicott & Karen L. Endicott
4. "Yasmin How You Know?" / Leo Burnett
5. Thinking Through Malaysia: Culture and Identity in the 21st Century / Julian Hopkins & Julian C. H. Lee
6. 政治學與女性主義/巴巴拉.阿內爾著
7. 解碼女性電影大師:用獨特的身世詮釋著女人特質的情愛方式/黃石 、于凡著
8. 來自大海的禮物/林白夫人著
9. 我想學會生活/蔡颖卿著
10. 迷宮毯子/賀淑芳著
11. 口愛:Joy of Oral Sex/許佑生著
Mail order service is available for book lovers. Order form is here.
2. 創作,怎麼搞的/茱莉亞.卡麥隆著
3. The Headman was a Woman: The Gender Egalitarian Batek of Malaysia / Kirk M. Endicott & Karen L. Endicott
4. "Yasmin How You Know?" / Leo Burnett
5. Thinking Through Malaysia: Culture and Identity in the 21st Century / Julian Hopkins & Julian C. H. Lee
6. 政治學與女性主義/巴巴拉.阿內爾著
7. 解碼女性電影大師:用獨特的身世詮釋著女人特質的情愛方式/黃石
8. 來自大海的禮物/林白夫人著
9. 我想學會生活/蔡颖卿著
10. 迷宮毯子/賀淑芳著
11. 口愛:Joy of Oral Sex/許佑生著
Mail order service is available for book lovers. Order form is here.
月树影院34《两地》 Moontree Theatre 34: Home In Two Cities
月树影院34 Moontree Theatre 34
两地 Home In Two Cities
活动时间 Date & Time
2013年1月13日(星期日) 13th January 2013 (Sunday)
6:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm
主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan
Panggung, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.
导读人 Reviewer
Law Yee Wan holds a master degree of Chinese Literature. She worked at
newspaper office and publishing company before, and now she is the owner of
Moontree House. She has published a collection of poems.
电影简介 About The Movie
片名 Title:两地 Home In Two Cities
导演 Director:杨力州Yang Li-chou
制片地区 Region:台湾 Taiwan
语言 Language:华语 Mandarin
上映年份 Year of Release:2011
Synopsis: Lin Hai-yin (1918-2001) was the founder of Belles-Lettres Publishing
House, and the discoverer of promising writers. Her living room was described
as “half of the literary circle” of Taiwan. Her Memories of Peking: South Side Stories earned her a respectful
status in the literary world. This movie tells the story of Lin’s life in two
homelands, China and Taiwan. With the heartfelt narration from her daughter, we
see how she fearlessly cradled Taiwan literature in the era of turmoil.
入场免费。欢迎消费。 Free admission. Welcome to spend money. :p