
月树影院23《令人讨厌的松子的一生》 Moontree Theatre 23: Memories of Matsuko

月树影院23 Moontree Theatre 23
令人讨厌的松子的一生 Memories of Matsuko

活动时间 Date & Time
2012617日(星期日) 17th June 2012 (Sunday)
6:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm

主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan Panggung, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.

导读人 Reviewer
Law Yee Wan holds a master degree of Chinese Literature. She worked at newspaper office and publishing company before, and now she is the owner of Moontree House. She has published a collection of poems.

影片简介 About The Movie
片名 Title:令人讨厌的松子的一生 Memories of Matsuko
导演 Director:中岛哲也 Tetsuya Nakashima
原著 Novel by:山田宗树 Muneki Yamada
主演 Starring:中谷美纪 Nakatani Miki
制片地区 Region:日本 Japan
语言 Language:日语 Japanese
上映年份 Year of Release2006
Synopsis: The story begins with Sho cleaning out the remaining belongings of his recently deceased aunt Matsuko. Sho gradually learns many details of his aunt's life, and it is through his investigations that the audience learns the story of Matsuko's past. Matsuko was a popular school teacher. However, when one of her students committed a theft, and Matsuko took the blame for him, this had terrible consequences for her life.

入场免费。欢迎消费。 Free admission. Welcome to spend money. :p

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