月树影院51 Moontree Theatre 51
寻找卡蒂卡 Mencari Kartika (Looking for Kartika)
活动时间 Date & Time
2014年4月26日(星期六) 26th April 2014 (Saturday)
8:30 pm ~ 10:00 pm
主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan Panggung,
50000 Kuala Lumpur.
纪录片简介 About the Documentary
片名 Title:Mencari Kartika
导演 Director:Norhayati Kaprawi
制片地区 Region:马来西亚 Malaysia
语言 Language:马来语(英文字幕) Malay (English
上映年份 Year of Release:2010
内容简介:模特儿卡蒂卡因喝了一杯啤酒,于2009年被回教高庭法官判决罚款五千令吉及鞭笞六下。默迪卡民调中心的调查结果显示,马来西亚有许多穆斯林支持此判决。Norhayati Kaprawi遂拍摄纪录片MENCARI KARTIKA,探讨马来西亚语境里,穆斯林对正义的认知。
Synopsis: First-time filmmaker Norhayati Kaprawi was inspired to make
“Mencari Kartika” after surveys by polling house Merdeka Center found a large
majority of Muslims in Malaysia supported the caning of Kartika Sari Dewi
Shukarno for consuming alcohol. This documentary explores the Muslims’s
perception of ‘justice’ in the context of Malaysia that is lauded for its
modern, progressive, multi-racial image.
导演简介 About the Director
Norhayati Kaprawi(昵称Yati)是人权运动分子、纪录片导演和作家,兴趣是使用流行媒体提升穆斯林妇女权利及推广伊斯兰教的进步思想。她的另一部纪录片AKU SIAPA,探讨盖头在社会政治方面的问题,已在世界各地放映。
Norhayati Kaprawi (Yati) is a human rights activist, documentary film
director and writer, who is interested in exploring the use of popular media in
promoting Muslim women’s rights and in promoting progressive thinking in Islam.
Her film “Aku Siapa”, which discussed the issue of hijab in terms of
socio-political, has been featured around the world.
导演将在映后与观众交流。 The film director will share with audience after
入场免费。欢迎消费。 Free admission. Welcome to spend money. :p
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