
月树影院49 Moontree Theatre 49: Tanpa Wajah (Unseen Faces)

月树影院49  Moontree Theatre 49
Tanpa Wajah (Unseen Faces)

活动时间 Date & Time
20131218日(星期三) 18th December 2013 (Wednesday)
7:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm

主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan Panggung, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.

导读人 Reviewer
Lau Shu Shi, programme officer of Empower. She worked at Bersih and SUARAM Penang branch before. She likes writing and traveling. She is afraid of heat and sun, but will be very high when there is a demonstration. She had not missed almost every chance to demonstrate. If you google with “Lau Shu Shi”, you will get plenty of search results about “disorderly conduct in a police station”.

纪录片简介 About The Documentary
片名 TitleTanpa Wajah
制作团队 Production TeamWong Tay Sy, Hariati Azizan, Gan Siong King
制片地区 Region:马来西亚 Malaysia
语言 Language:马来语、淡米尔语(英文字幕) Malay & Tamil (English subtitle)
上映年份 Year of Release2013
Synopsis: Tanpa Wajah” is about ordinary women who dared to stand up to the patriarchal society to improve their lives and community for a better future for their children. Although they come from different walks of life, these courageous women have one thing in common, that is the desire for change. This documentary will show that anyone and everyone can get involved and participate in the decision-making process of society.

入场免费。欢迎消费。 Free admission. Welcome to spend money. :p

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