
月树影院44《T婆工厂》+《彩虹芭乐》 Moontree Theatre 44: Lesbian Factory + Rainbow Popcorn

月树影院44  Moontree Theatre 44
T婆工厂+彩虹芭乐 Lesbian Factory + Rainbow Popcorn

活动时间 Date & Time
2013811日(星期日) 11th August 2013 (Sunday)
6:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm

主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan Panggung, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.

导读人 Reviewer
Chong Yee Shan holds a master degree from Department of Chinese Literature. She is interested in gender studies and debate with homophobic people. Now she is a temporary workless KLite.

我们将观赏两部纪录片: We will watch two documentaries:
片名 Title1. T婆工厂 Lesbian Factory   2. 彩虹芭乐 Rainbow Popcorn
导演 Director:陳素香 Susan Chen
制片地区 Region:台湾 Taiwan
语言 Language:华语、英语 Mandarin & English
上映年份 Year of Release1. 2010  2. 2012
剧情简介:2004年台湾国际劳工协会(TIWA)协助飞盟电子一百多位菲律宾移工进行关厂抗争,过程中发现厂内许多同志伴侣,因而完成《T婆工厂》纪录片。六、七年过去,当年这些为爱共赴天涯的同志伴侣,如今安在?TIWA 拍摄团队追逐她们的移动脚步,前往菲律宾吕宋岛、伊洛伊洛、民答那峨及中东杜拜等地,继续纪录她们的爱情故事、性别穿越与生命变化,《T婆工厂》的续集《彩虹芭乐》因而诞生。
Synopsis: Rainbow Popcorn is the story that follows after Lesbian Factory. In 2004, Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA) came to support the protest of hundreds of Pilipino migrant laborers in their strike against their employer. During this process they discovered that many of the workers happened to be homosexual partners, thus gave the inspiration in making the first documentary Lesbian Factory. 6-7 years have passed since then, what happened to those star crossed lovers in their pursuit for a way of life? The TIWA film crew set out once again to continue following their footsteps across the world, to the Luzon islands in the Philippines, Iloilo, Mindanao, and even Dubai in the Middle East.

入场免费。欢迎消费。 Free admission. Welcome to spend money. :p

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