
月树影院50 Moontree Theatre 50: 一路到底棉佳兰 All the Way to Mengkerang: Old and New Works by Au Sow Yee 区秀诒

月树影院50  Moontree Theatre 50
一路到底棉佳兰 All the Way to Mengkerang:
Old and New Works by Au Sow Yee 区秀诒

活动时间 Date & Time
201429日(星期日) 9th February 2014 (Sunday)
6:30 pm ~ 8:00 pm

主办单位及活动地点 Organizer & Venue
月树 Moontree House, No. 6, 1st Floor, Jalan Panggung, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.

关于区秀诒 About Au Sow Yee
区秀诒毕业自文化大学戏剧系,旧金山艺术学院(San Francisco Art Institute)电影研究所,目前常居台北并就读于台北艺术大学新媒体艺术研究所。区秀诒主要的创作方向分成两部分,一是对影像生成机制的关注,以自制机械和机械式电影放映机而作的现场电影(live cinema)。二是以录像、观念、装置等混合形式和记忆、民族、种族、后殖民以及“民族”想像共同体如何在“历史”中成形等相关课题进行对话并提出疑问。实验电影作品曾入选韩国首尔国际实验电影节、曼谷实验电影节、美国Hallwalls当代艺术中心Tropical Seasoning、纽约Squeeky Wheels录像展等。2009年曾获邀参与“牯岭街国际小剧场艺术节:形影相晰”发表“现场电影”作品《时光曲》,2010年获邀在台湾国际纪录片双年展发表“现场电影”作品《默默无声》。区秀诒曾获2014国立台北艺术大学新媒体艺术卓越奖以及第12届旧金山艺术学院国际实验电影节特别创作奬。她也是20102011 KLEX吉隆坡国际实验电影与录像节选片人以及马来西亚剧团“平台计划”成员,并和多个马来西亚、澳门及台湾的剧团合作担任演出多媒体影像设计。影像设计作品曾巡演至新加坡滨海艺术中心、日本东京世田谷剧场及澳门艺术节。
Au Sow Yee is from Malaysia and currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. She graduated from the San Francisco Art Institute and is currently studying New Media Arts in Taipei National University of the Arts (Taiwan). Her works concentrated mainly on two directions, one is the continue interest in image making mechanism, creating live cinema performance using self-made mechanism and mechanical film projectors. Second is to question and create conversations on issues such as memory, nation, and ethnicity, post-colonialism and how the imagined communities of nation were shaped in history through video and mixed medium installation.

部分作品说明 About the Work
Through an imaginary one day journey in “Mengkerang” (also an imaginary place reminiscence of a Utopian in The Southern Sea), the work tells a “fable story” constructed by people from different cultural background, ages and classes in Malaysia, with documents as well as video imageries gleaned from throughout the country, constructing an unusual narrative that wander between the real and beyond. As a third generation Malaysian Chinese, I try to explore the possibility of whether narrative constructed by video imageries, documents and objects could be transformed into a movement through surrendering certain degree of authorship to the public.

乐捐入场,至少RM 10Admission by minimum RM 10 donation.

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